Beautiful Scenery Painting with Acrylics

   Waking up early to watch the sunrise can be quite a task, but one that is definitely worth all the efforts. As the sun rises above the horizon, the dark world comes to light. Everything from the earth to the sky is beautifully alive in this simple yet transient moments. A bright tapestry of vivid colours amongst white clouds, a cool gentle breeze, bright leaves and flowers swaying in tune and the cheerful chirping of birds welcoming the warmth. A treat not just to the senses but also to the soul.

  It is hard to keep oneself away from saving a small portion of this magic and the watercolor sketchpad from Menorah is just what you need. They are 300 GSM thick and made of 100% cotton. These watercolor papers let you achieve fine details and give a smooth flow while painting. They are ideal for watercolors, Acrylics, Gouache, Tempera and poster colors.

  Here are some easy steps to recreate this lovely sunrise acrylic painting for beginners by @vitalartss :


Materials Required

Menorah watercolor sketchpad


Flat brush

Round brush

Washi tape




  1. Paint the first layer of sky with deep blue acrylic using a flat brush on your watercolor painting paper.



  2. Mix a little white with deep blue and paint the next layer. Keep adding white as you go further down to get a gradient in your sketchpad drawing.



3. Leave a little space and paint a layer using cyber yellow acrylic on the 300gsm watercolor paper.



4. As the sun is below the horizon, the sky appears lighter on top. So, add a layer of white on top of the yellow on the watercolor paper and blend them together for a reverse gradient.



5. Draw the hills at the back with orange for a sunlit effect and to add more depth to the painting.



6. The hills towards the front can be painted and highlighted with olive green to give a lush and scenic effect in this easy sunrise painting

7. Add more details like grass blades, flowers and sun rays with a round brush to complete the painting.



  All done! An easy acrylic landscape painting that will take you back to the day when you witnessed a glorious sunrise. Breathe life into your priceless memories with sketchpads from Menorah.

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